There is an overwhelming choice of curriculum on the internet, which does not make this an easy choice. You want what is best for your children (which is why you have decided to homeschool) and a good curriculum is key.
I spent the good part of 6 months doing research before making the decision on which curriculum would be a good match for my children.
Some of the challenges I faced were the following:
* American and UK curriculum were fantastic but when it came to history and geography it seemed pointless.
* Some South African curriculum were very bland - my children would have been bored out of their minds doing packs of photostatted pages.
* Others are based on practical work, making objects rather than writing. While this has its place in learning, it should not be the only way.
* Then there are literature based curriculum, which are book based learning - this would send me running to the hills, never mind the fact that I would have to force my children to get excited about school every morning!
Finally, we settled on a curriculum that has "living books". When we took our children to view the curriculum, we could not get them away from the tables when the books were displayed - this was a very good indication to us of what type of curriculum to follow. We have a good balance of practical projects and literature too. Many of the core subjects are tailored for any type of learner you might have. All the lesson prep is done for you too! There is nothing left to say but -
Now we Love 2 Learn!
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