This question was one of mine in the beginning and one my father was concerned about. He had sat with me, evening after evening, trying to get me through school. The truth of the matter is, there are not many teachers really qualified to teach mathematics and those that are, maybe in private schools, perhaps are not able to teach it very effectively. I bumped into my mathematics teacher in the gym the other day and she said something profound to me “the reason so many children are struggling with mathematics lies with the teacher and her insecurity to teach the subject”.
We were told a wonderful story of a homeschooling mom who’s son finished his Matric at 15, loved mathematics, went on to study at UNISA and finally to WITS University. He had to have special interviews with professors at each institution as he was so young compared to the other applicants. They willingly accepted him on his ability, maturity and passion for mathematics. He finished with the highest honor in mathematics and went on to lecture the subject. His mother only had Standard 8, lower grade mathematics.
I do depend a lot on my teacher’s manual, but we draw pictures, we cut oranges up for fractions and mathematics is taking on a new dimension for my children. My oldest daughter who was in the school system for 5 years has said to me on numerous occasions “Mommy, it is so nice to have it properly explained to me, my teacher would just read the question to me again and tell me to go sit down and do it”. Her problem was not that she could not read, but that she did not understand what was being asked of her!
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